Alex Conger aka Conguuur with the…..
I remember when my mother’s brother gave me my first Bass guitar, it was like magic, I said, “if I could only learn to play this?” Well I never really did master it as I could only read the basic music notes, but I like many others could actually listen to a song and visualize the notes, so needless to say I listened to a lot of music over the years and learned to appreciate all of it in order to create some of the best times of my life and comrodery with the group know as “Cottonwood” and many others.
The say that life is made up of choices, well upon meeting Gary and being taken to the basement of a little house on south 5th in Pocatello, my life was about to change.
I was told who him (Craig) he is just our sit in drummer, hell he wasn’t even old enough to shave, I said, this ought to be interesting. It was, and he surprised the heck out of me….and there was Gary, what a voice, the rest was history as a group called Ground Earth took off, we played in many places and some dives, where ever us and of course George could book us, some of the time Craig had to wait outside at break because of a minor “age conflict”. As Craig’s brother Paul joined us we kept on rolling…..
The group grew in their song list and encompassed such notable hits like “Good bye American Pie (the album cut) and many others from Black oak Arkansas to just about anything we would try. As the group matured and evolved many members came in and some left, Gary embarked on his mission for “The Church” and we went in search of a new lead vocalist and found Calvin Hunter a personality at a local radio station. Upon a few short rehearsals we realized once again we were back on track to somewhere…. hunter and Cottonwood was born, we embarked on a great journey, collectively we had a charisma about us that maybe wasn’t the most polished in the music industry but it was personalities and values that made it work.
coming soon, Dan, Dave and others. and then there was the superstar…Don Marshall..
(will write more later, signing off for now….Alex)